Monday 21st August 2023

Why collaboration reduces employee turnover

Jules Robertson 1 minute read
Collaboration workspace

It is important for businesses to pay attention to how they can better engage their employees and increase their overall happiness, especially with 2021's "Great Resignation".

A key driver in increasing employee engagement, productivity and happiness - and in turn reducing employee turnover - is collaboration. According to research from Queens University of Charlotte, nearly 40% of employees believe their organisation doesn’t have enough collaboration. Businesses that have effective collaboration are four and a half times more likely to retain employees.

two ladies coworking- on Tally Workspace

Collaboration is key to a more transparent, productive, and overall happier workplace.

When employees share ideas and knowledge, they feel connected with each other. Employees benefit from being able to see clearly how their contribution positively impacts the collective goal.

two ladies coworking- on Tally Workspace

Collaboration also prevents burnout. Collaboration eases the constant pressure on one person of having to deliver results. It makes it a team effort - reducing the pressure on one person directly.

Collaboration is also key to making employees more productive. Employees spend 5.3 hours waiting for information to do their jobs. Collaboration can directly reduce this waiting time as they can share knowledge on best practices. Without collaboration, this knowledge would not be shared, or worse, cause a brain drain if the employee leaves.

ladies coworking- on Tally Workspace

Many businesses leaders don’t fully understand the importance of collboaration, not only to the employees themselves but to the business as a whole. To keep your employees collaborating well, thus reducing turnover, try these ideas:

1. Get to know each other in a social environment

2. Create company-wide goals

3. Don’t be afraid to over-communicate

4. Keep groups an appropriate size

5. Define member roles for project and group work

6. Share information and resources

7. Give kudos when someone does a good job

8. Encourage creativity

9. Invest in collaboration tools

10. Reward successful collaboration

11. Ask for feedback

Written by Jules Robertson

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