Friday 8th September 2023

Work Your Way With Nick Levine, Strategy & Finance At Soldo

Laura Beales 2 minute read
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Work Your Way is our new blog series in which individuals give their honest answers about how they like to work when working remotely. From how to create and maintain a work culture when working remotely, to how they best like to work remotely, they share their insights and top tips.

Nick Levine, Strategy & Finance at Soldo shares with us his thoughts on remote work and his love of David Bowie. Tracking and controlling spend was once a dark art, needing workarounds for payments and stifling staff with admin. Soldo combines prepaid company cards with a management platform – the brighter way to manage spending.

What is the biggest advantage to the company of working remotely?

From a personal point of view it creates a much better work-life balance. On most days I write for a couple of hours outside of my day job and cutting out the daily commute means this is now even easier to fit in.


Remote-Friendly or Remote-First?

I think flexibility is key. It depends on the needs of the employee such as where they are in their career and life. The key thing is making it as easy as possible to dip in and out of different work environments with unfettered communication opportunities.


How do you keep remote work visible?

Putting on your webcam on group calls and town halls is just polite. While I don’t think companies should make this compulsory it should be actively encouraged. It is the remote way of bringing your whole self to work.

How do you maintain and create a company culture when working remotely?

This is a challenge, particularly for startups who tend to be fast-growing but also commonly have high staff attrition. For most companies, this is still a work in progress. One of the more creative ideas over the last few months has been the popularity of virtual Christmas parties with many companies hiring comedians and out of work actors/actresses to take part in associated events.

A lot of companies are also still learning best practice. There were a handful of startups who received negative publicity for telling employees they were redundant over Zoom at the start of the pandemic.

xmas party on zoom

Where is your favourite place to work from when working remotely?

I was fortunate that myself and my wife moved into our new home on day two of the first lockdown. I’ve turned one of our spare rooms into my own office and have a pretty good setup with a spacious desk and large external monitor. I’ve also created a lot of positive energy by decorating it with a number of personal framed pictures including as a sign from a Davie Bowie signing I went to and a poster from Lovebox Festival 2008, which I djed at.


A big thank you to Nick Levine for his insights on remote work and great insights to the virtual working world. Make sure you check out Soldo.

With Tally Workspace, we can find your team a private office to call home or you can instantly book meeting rooms and desks.

Written by Laura Beales

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